Today, I share with you 20 rare possibilities you can immediately start doing today and now:
1. It is possible to stop chicken fights over who is the greatest amongst us or who is more famous than the other in our time… and focus all our combined energies on fighting rampant hunger, glaring poverty and hurting illiteracy.
2. It is possible to reawaken the heart of humanity within us and become our brother’s keeper again, treating one another with the compassionate heart driven by understanding of stewardship.
3. It is possible to recapture the centrality of a supportive family environment and the honour of parenthood so as to recreate small Edens in homes around us for improved emotional wellness, mental health and spiritual vibrancy — all of which are needed for a prosperous and more peaceful nation.
4. It is possible to put an end to empty politicking, useless sloganeering, plus hollow media talkshows… and fold our sleeves in the smelly trenches for the sake of causing true development and relevant social change.
5. It is possible to embrace the responsibility of fatherhood again and stop the phenomenon of internally displaced fathers, so as to place male figures into the lives of young citizens again.
6. It is possible to forego our gluttonous tendencies and unrestrained overindulgence so as to answer the bitter cry of a starved citizen, the sharp pain of a neglected child, and the vicious sorrow of a helpless street kid.
7. It is possible to restore the dignity of motherhood and immediately put a stop to the ignorant stigma that’s poured onto the not-so-many well-prioritized mothers who make really tough decisions so as to give another chance to the little children in our midst against all odds.
8. It is possible to henceforth cut back on our wild expenditure on extreme recreation, endless tours and regular amusement travels all over the world, and start to frequently tour our neighbourhoods with sacks of food, bags of seeds for planting, and a pocket full of loving taps on the back for the unprivileged.
9. It is possible to descend from the superimposing mountain of urban wealth and elite privilege… and walk down to the valley of fierce village poverty and immense lack of small basics that would take just the cost of one tiny pizza to meet!
10. It is possible to stop taking the “tranquilizing drug of gradualism” and immediately swing into instant action so as to save a dying mother in the public hospital labour ward who can’t pay the big bill for a better service elsewhere, a high school girl about to abort after being left by the reaponsible young man, a depressed teenage boy about to commit suicide due to being neglected by the world.

11. It is possible to start trusting leadership positions to those who actually don’t even want it at all because they understand the burden of responsibility, instead of dishing out votes to the merely hyped-up, eagle-eyed political opportunists who view leadership positions as a sure cash cow rather than a divine call to serve others.
12. It is possible to stop useless debates about who my neighbour is or who it is that I should really help… and simply start being an intentional neighbour to anyone whose need you’re aware of.
13. It is possible to be a solution to what pains you, an answer to someone’s fervent prayer, and a timely volunteer amidst evident community needs, rather than being part of the real problem, only good at complaining, just seated back and doing nothing about what truly matters.
14. It is possible to now go and start from wherever you are, with whatever you have, to do whatever you can, for whoever you’ll find, instead of waiting for the so-called “perfect conditions” before you can step out of the boat of helpless comfort into the arena of helpful discomfort.
15. It is possible to start acknowledging that injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere, that an unchallenged slap against my neighbour today is an unrestrained pestle on my head tomorrow, and that a need left unmet in the present is a crisis that cannot be contained in the future.
16. It is possible and better to take some steps in the right direction now however small they may seem, than to endlessly hang around boardrooms and general assembly tables crafting grand strategic plans that never materialize into anything helpful to anyone.
17. It is possible to land back on earth after arrogant years of attempts to build castles in the air and now step into the daily reality of the decent changes we can make, visible transformation we can cause, and the positive impact we can afford.
18. It is possible to join hands and network / partner with similar-minded people / organizations around the world who are already doing something in the right direction, instead of back-biting, character-assassinating and competing with them.
19. It is possible to end the phase of crying helplessly over painful sights around us and step up unapologetically to put up a spirited fight for better world.
20. It is possible to believe that all these things are indeed possible. Shall we believe it and act? This too is possible.
Let’s begin… and begin NOW!
| Live . Love . Lead |