Yesterday, I briefly turned on the TV to quickly catch a glimpse of how my country has woken up only to find Prof. Eli Katunguka, the new Vice Chancellor of Kyambogo University, being interviewed. Along the way, he said a very revealing statement that compelled me to write this article, and probably, inspire you into your success. He said, “Of course, do not expect a fully complete person out of any university. When a graduate comes to the labour market, get him with his knowledge and skills, and then continue to mould him to fit your exact needs.”
This reminded me of a lady I met two days ago who is being threatened by the manager of an advertising company that if she doesn’t supernaturally exceed this quarter’s targets in crafting super catchy advertising messages for radio and TV, she is bound to lose her job without further notice. She is now standing on her toes, with her heart in the mouth, unsure of whether she will have a job by the end of this new week! This therefore reinforces my conviction that the professor’s statement above is very vital to everyone whether in public or private entities in that it brings to the surface many important lessons, two of which I am sharing below:
First, it underscores the prime significance of progressive capacity building for the staff in different aspects of their daily work. It is not enough to employ someone and then just let them be. No institution of learning fully makes someone completely fit for all the ever changing needs of an always growing organization in this volatile world – a reason why continuous, regular and creative human capital development efforts need to uncompromisingly be a deliberate investment of any visionary, proactive, and dynamic entity. When you take shortcuts on developing the capacity, alertness and swiftness of your labour force, it works against your own institutional performance.
As a human resource personnel or a manager supervising some team, know that without intentionally tapping into the hidden potential of your team members, you unfortunately miss out on their unique individual abilities which would otherwise be collectively harnessed for team success. Some government departments, business entities and private organizations that I have trained have the “Monthly Stress-free Zone” while others have the Quarterly Inspirational Retreats. I know a government department which has a weekly lunch time motivational hour, and a pharmaceutical company which holds an every Monday morning Staff Empowerment Moment as they begin their week. Results from such entities are enormously undeniable, clearly visible, and surely progressive. Point: invest in your staff.
Secondly, Prof. Eli Katunguka’s assertion above also underscores the importance of continuous personal development. Suppose the institution within which you work fails to see the importance of staff development or simply prioritizes other aspects of their operation, would you remain the inexperienced, naive, yet sophisticated-looking graduate you were when you came out of college or university? Undoubtedly, the knowledge, skills are not enough to make you exceedingly proficient, incredibly successful and unwaveringly purpose-driven. You have to continuously empower yourself in as many aspects of life as possible for personal growth and development. While the employer has to invest in your development for the results he wants, he is not responsible for your wholesome development. It is your duty, obligation, and responsibility to ensure you are growing. Settle this in your mind: if you are not continuously growing, you are gradually dying! No one is responsible for your growth apart from the one you see when you look into the mirror.
So, change those crippling, disturbing and failure-inducing attitudes that convince you to not invest in yourself. If you put in nothing, you will get it out! Stop all excuses for not doing right. Stop being an enemy to yourself. Stand up today, walk out through that door, and buy that inspirational book on leadership or personal financial management. Do not even consider what it costs; rather consider what it will cost you if you do not read it. Today, pay and enrol yourself for that short but practical course on public speaking (I offer this too). Take yourself to that refresher seminar on “How to Effectively Manage Stress and Work Pressure” (title of my newest book). Get to the internet and get information in the area of your knowledge gap. Point: invest in yourself.
Thank you, Professor, for telling the truth. Let whoever has the ear listen to what Truth says to every forward-looking entity: “Of course, do not expect a fully complete person out of any university. When a graduate comes to the labour market, get him with his knowledge and skills, and then continue to mould him to fit your exact needs.” Listen to what Truth says to this century’s professionals: continuously invest in yourself if you are to remain competitive, creative and competent. If you put in nothing, you will get it out!
To Your Success,
“Inspiring transformational, exemplary and authentic leadership worldwide.”